
Discover A Local Independent Florist or Gift Shop

We believe that local, independent gift, home, lifestyle and specialty shops, like florists, are the cornerstones of vibrant communities. We encourage you to use this store locator, featuring independent florists and gift shops, to find a local shop to complete your gift of a Keepsake Vase. 

  • Simply type in your City or Postal Code or that of the recipient.

  • Filter shop Listing details, as some florists listed offer specials or discounts for Just + Flowers customers, other products and services. Some may also carry our Keepsake Vases, for a convenient one-stop-shop, fill & deliver option. 

Note: If you'd like us to ship your vase to a florist local to you or your recipient, to fill and deliver, simply change the SHIP TO address to that of the florist you'd like to work with, during check-out. We'll reach out to let them know to expect it.

If you are ordering flowers for a Just + Flowers Keepsake Vase, from one of our Florists listed and offering a discount, please be sure to have the unique serial number handy. It's found at the bottom of each piece. 

When ordering a bouquet over the phone, tell the Florist you are filling a vase that is 8" tall with a cinched neck at 4.5". If the recipient has favourite flowers or colours, be sure to let the Florist know this as well, so they can ensure the recipient is beyond delighted!